Ladies and Gentleman .. presenting you my most valuable possession ..... Pulsar 180 cc Dtsi
Or should I say my first wife. Since there is a universal saying and unsaid truth that for guys! their Bike is their first wife!!!! ( I totally agree with that!!!)
Like every other guy, I initially had this lovely cycle from Hercules (Town n Trek) which I still have with me (not working though!!). Then when I joined college in my last year of graduation my parents presented me with Bajaj Kawasaki 100. Popularly called as KB100.Frankly, there was not a single place around my neighbor hood that I haven't flaunted my baby with..it was with me for 6 years.. and i bet no one could have maintained it better than me. I had my friends buying new bikes in front of me.. but could not match my bike in terms of maintainence. Well all good things have come to an end.. hence I parted with my beautiful baby to some one young from her generation yes! from the same Bajaj family I bought a brand new Pulsar 180 cc Dtsi. All of friends resisted on this(180cc) aspect that go for 150 ( for better mileage/resale value) etc.. But, I some how had this feeling and went ahead with my decision of taking this baby.
Believe me guys!! there were 5 Pulsars (180cc) when I went to the show room. I took test rides for both 180 and 150, and before I said I want to go for 180 only.. to my surprise 4 of the 5 180 Pulsars were sold. I was like immediately.. I want this thats all.. no more issues no arguments. i clearly remember that day it was September 9th 2006 I bought this baaby.
The beauty of this baaby comes into picture during the traffic signals, believe me guys I never noticed but.. later when I realized I was awestruck .. coz this is real exiting.. when all the vehicles are at halt and when the green signal goes on... then comes the beast out of the crowd leaving rest of the bikes chocking to catch up with. My baby, is like a lion on the road and when you are commuting to a longer distance nothing else can give you the pleasure rather than this. On the contrary, even the pillion riders are at utmost comfort when they are on the bike. Pot holes/speed breakers/ bumps/ nothing can stop this beauty from zooming on the road. A perfect steady dynamic or should I say sexy body.. (Black Beauty).
Oh my god!! I guess I have written like a history. But, believe me guys it is not even a drop in the ocean. All I can say is "Ride it to believe it...."